Disney Princess Rapunzel - Tangled (2010) Version

This is the review of Disney Princess Rapunzel doll from the film "Tangled" in 2010. Priced at around USD26.00 locally, I'm quite excited about this 12 inched tall doll or should I say figure LOL...

First the box/packaging:

I really like the concept of this "lift up" style for the box/packaging:

They includes the diorama backdrop thingy which is very cool:

And you will immediately see Rapunzel standing at the window of her tower:

And there is more actually.... the inside of the box basically is another nice backdrop showing the kitchen area as see in the film: 

They also supplied this hair brush which is very useful especially for this Rapunzel because she is very hairy LOL....

This is the hair brush out of the box/packaging:

I use the hair brush many times during the course of this review and I really appreciate it a lot and I think without it, managing the hair is very difficult:

Just for fun, we measured the estimated hair length of this Rapunzel's doll:

That's more or less 30cm ? Rapunzel actual hair (at least in accordance to the Disney Bible) is 70 feet (21.33 meter) long. If we have such hair in real life, I can imagine that we need to use lots of hair shampoo LOL

Anyway, let's have a look at the princess:

A little bit of close up on the pretty face with all her freckles, just like in the film: 

I think the face sculpt and finishing quality is absolutely brilliant!!! I really love it...

The dress are made from good quality materials and the final look matching almost perfectly to the film, I would say 95% - just because the sleeves parts are missing - but no complain from me, I think it's still beautiful: 

No shoes - Yes this is in accordance to the film:

Time for a little bit of fun with that diorama backdrop thingy:

And yes, she have purple panties:

And just like many other things or toys nowadays, this is also made in China:

And a few more photos and a bit of posing here and there wont hurt, just for fun sake:

Last but not least, side by side with Snow White:

I have this (nonsense) personal theory that both of them are Germans and so their title should be something like this:

1) HRH Princess Snow White of Dortmund
2) HRH Princess Rapunzel of Cologne

Yes, I made that up but then again, this is toys, what matter most is our imagination....

Overall, I try not to be biased but I just can't help it because I really love Rapunzel as much as I love Snow White. This is a brilliant doll (or should I say figure) of Princess Rapunzel with beautiful and quite accurate face sculpt and beautiful dress from good quality materials. I like the fact that the hair is long and straight and that gives you the room to do that fun "braid" activities with the hair - if you wish to do so - or you can just leave it as it is.... 

If you really like Rapunzel from the "Tangled (2010)" film, I believe you should get this and you won't regret it. Collectors would love this and those young kids certainly would love this as well, no doubt about it.

