1/144 HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam

This is the HGUC version of the RX-78-2 Gundam that was first issued in May 2001 and you can get it for only 1,000 yen from HLJ.

But first, let's look around the body...

OK, maybe you want to know the different between the Ver. G30th (the anniversary version of 2009) and the HGUC version (of 2001).

As you can see in this photo, obviously you can see the color differences and on top of that you will notice that the G30th have plenty of panel line details all over if compared to the HGUC version. Additionally, the G30th is basically slightly taller than the HGUC version.

Look at the shoulder differences...

The chest part...

The torso and the front skirt part...

The different on the legs and knee part...

And of coz the shoe or the foot...

Another differences on the side skirt below the waist...

On these photo you can also see the differences on the head and the back pack.

And maybe you want to see the joint connectors....

OK, let's do some testing on the articulations...

Overall the G30th have slight advantage in articulations due to the longer legs and maybe the overall modern design for the frame.

But for sure, I personally feel that the HGUC version is a little more sturdy. The beam saber mounted at the backpack and the side skirt below the waist part wont easily fall down just like what I experienced with the G30th.

Yes, the hand can reach and even touch the beam saber accordingly....

The HGUC version allow you to use beam saber on both hand while with the G30th version, you can't do that coz they intended all weapons to be held by right hand only.

The HGUC version will come with real beam saber part but the G30th wont give you this and instead it comes with a "toothpick" type of beam saber - moulded and colored in all white color so you still need to do some basic "coloring" or "painting" work on it.

The HGUC version also comes with the Core Fighter... nothing great about it, but it's nice to have.

So for 1,000 yen you can get this HGUC version;
- The Gundam
- Beam Rifle
- A Shield
- Bazooka
- Core Fighter
- 2 real beam saber part
- Both hands can hold weapons (usually I will use it for beam saber)
- Basic details

And for 1,200 yen you can get the G30th version that comes with these;
- The Gundam
- Beam Rifle
- A Shield
- Bazooka
- Gundam Hammer
- 1 "Toothpick" beam saber type molded in pure white.
- Only right hand can handle the weapons.
- More panel lining and details on the body/shield.
- The color is exactly the same as in the anime or the 1/100 MG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. One Year War.

I personally prefer the old HGUC version because of the extra accessories that comes with it but at the same time the G30th offers finer details (for a 1/144 HG level) and much better articulations - I wish I can get both in 1 package.

Lucky for me, I have both of them - the 2 different release/version... The choice is up to you.

My army of RX-78 Gundams... I guess, maybe, just maybe I would like to add the MG 1/100 RX-78 Gundam Ver. Katoki... and that's about it... 1/60 PG? Nope, I'm not interested...


  1. seems that you have a new toy almost everyday...? you buy them all from HLJ? there's no local hobby store around you? you buy them all at HLJ at one go or one by one?

    Get a PG man, you won't regret.

  2. Hahaha.. Mike, is not that I get new toys everyday... some of them I got it few days or few weeks ago, but some are really new stuff just arrived.

    I purposely scheduled the Postings so at least visitors can see something different whenever they visit Shewsbury Land.


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