Figma Saber Alter Shewsbury Custom

This is the Figma Saber Alter which we reviewed here recently. Out of the blue I decided to give it a custom color to make it look a little different from the normal Figma Saber Alter.

This is the photo of the original Figma Saber Alter...

And after several hours of painting and top coating.... this is the final result... Figma Saber Alter Shewsbury Custom...

Some minor changes in the shoulder part... I use thinner to erase the brown line...

A little bit of red color on the arms.... originally it was brown....

And the outer skirt is now also red.... it's quite a challenge for me to spray the color all the way to the edge of the blue armor.... I have to use lot's of cello tape...

It's not perfect, but it's my hard work for several hours and I have to be proud of it coz at least I managed to complete the result without destroying the Figma. For someone who don't like to do spray or painting job like me... this is excellent result already...

As for the sword, it's basically the sword of Figma Saber Extra... I think it is much more reasonable and cute for the Saber Alter to use this kind of sword.... Saber Extra is just too pretty to use it...

Now this Figma Saber Alter looks more interesting in my opinion....

Overall I'm quite happy with the result and I think it's unique to have this Figma Saber Alter with such color variation.... oh well, I love red anyway....

At one point the success of this project ignites me to do more custom paint to my other Figma but on second thought... I'm just lazy to go thru all the process again....



  1. Nice custom paint job!..

    Your very own unique Figma Saber Alter!! XD

    since this Saber Alter is using that red sword..
    U dont need the Dark Excalibur right? give it to me XD

  2. Wow... Red... Wait (recalls Char).


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