Hot Wheels Mini

Continuing my Hot Wheels and Mini journey, now it's time for us to see this is Mini Cooper labeled as "Mini Challenge" from Hot Wheels.

The packaging;

And out of packaging;

This truly a simple looking miniature Mini. Not much great details we should expect from Hot Wheels especially on such a tiny scale and cheap price.

Nonetheless, on this particular item that we have, the finishing is awful. I can spot plenty of lousiness and painting inconsistency here and there, you can see them from the pictures below;

It's not that "bad" but I am quite an observant person and I can't ignore them at all especially since I like this cutey so much.

By the way this particular model were produced recently and they use those "rivets" lock, though luckily also for this model, it's only 1 rivet.

Side by side with the Morris Mini;

The old and the new;

The classic and the futuristic;

Overall, this is quite a decent miniature die cast model of Mini from Hot Wheels, no higher price to pay and no great expectation at all about it. The finishing on this particular item that we reviewed here is not great and thus made me want to "customized" it as well.... coming soon... no worries ^___^



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